A self-initiated project series using a drill as a primary drawing tool. It is important that my work holds a resonance of the hand-made mark. I set myself the challenge to use a drill as my primary drawing tool for a project called Drill & Ink over a period of 2-3 months. I believe that the role of ‘making’ allows one to develop new dialogues through engagement with materials, techniques and ideas. ‘Eighteen Thousand Holes… Approximately’ took over three weeks to drill – I learnt a lot!
A Big Hill
A Big Hill belongs to a collaborative project in which thirty artists were invited to create a postcard responding to the subject of travel. Bergen-based artist Imi Maufe produced a collectors’ box set that formed part of her solo show ‘Translating Travels’ at Edinburgh Printmakers.
Print – letterpress ink on paper 14.8 x 10.5 cm 2018