Subversive Maps - Getting Lost with Thread - a series of stitched works

“In today’s material and digital world, it is largely the case that, on a day-to-day basis, there is a general loss of engagement with materials and processes that would previously have been a significant part of daily existence. This appears to be resulting in an increasing disconnectedness to the physical, tactile and haptic knowledge that manual skills allow. If this is true, then we are denying the potential of direct sensory perception to assimilate the information we need to navigate within in an increasingly manufactured environment. This potentially results in a profound alteration in our ability to connect and respond to the world around us.” Matthew Partington.

My creative practice often explores the communication between the intuitive mark and the constructed mark, (in which stitch often plays a vital role). I like to investigate the dialogue between diverse combinations of materials and processes. I am especially interested in moments of juxtaposition; both in their physical sense and their significance or connotation to a material or project. Often, I use thread to explore and emphasize certain dialogues. My contemporary drawing is frequently stitched together, or utilizes stitch, thread, wire or stapling as integral components.

stitch 1
stitch 2

No Way Out

Ink, thread, pastel, found stickers, bleach, and found corrugated card on paper
21 x 80cm

stitch 3

Long Journey (close up detail)

Paper thread, and ink on paper
21 x 90 cm

stitch 4

Nightworks – Building in a Field

Ink, acrylic paint and thread, on paper
21 x 29.7 cm

stitch 5

Fly Ladder

Ink, thread, pastel, graphite, found stickers, graphite, found tape, and wax on paper
67 x 62cm

Ageing thumbnail

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Remember Me

Drill and ink thumbnail

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Drill and ink series